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Saturday, 29 August 2009

Trip report - The Farne Islands, day 2

Having now visited the islands on Day 1, I knew what to expect, and more importantly, what I wanted from Day 2.

Everyone wants a shot of a Puffin with a beak full of Sand Eels, and I'm not different, so I sat on the board walk and watched what was going on for an hour or more.

What was taking place in front of me was something I didn't expect.

The Puffins rear their young underground, in burrows. As I watched, I would see a Puffin arrive with a beak full of eels.

Now, there were gulls present constantly. These gulls just waited and watched.

The Puffin would return with 10 - 20 eels and fly low and fast over it's burrow. If there was a gull nearby, they would fly past and keep doing so until the coast was clear.

Once landed, they were in the burrow within seconds.

This is all good to watch, but with a 500 f4 to use, not ideal.

I managed a few shots, and this is my favourite:

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